Monday, February 17, 2014

An Introduction

Welcome!  I'm so glad you stumbled upon this little blog of mine.  My name is Valerie and I am a newly diagnosed "pre diabetic".  I know that the term "pre diabetic" is controversial to say the least!  In my quest to learn all that I can about this condition and disease, I have read all sorts of blogs and news articles applauding and denigrating the term "pre diabetic".

Regardless of any one's personal opinion on the diagnosis…

I am taking it seriously.  I have to…I have a 9-year old, 7-year old, and 3-year old that are dependent upon me…

…I have a husband of 20-years that loves me…

…and a class full of students that need me to help them navigate the difficult waters of academic studies in the K-8 world of school.

I have to say that since I've made some significant dietary and exercise changes in mid-January, I have been feeling 100 percent better…

and I think that I'm starting to look better too.

Here's a little Before & After comparison.

(I can't believe I'm sharing this before picture, but as my sister-in-love says, "It's good to remember where we've come from on our journey to where we're going!")  

December 2013
That's me on the far left…I distinctly remember thinking "suck in your stomach"!
Later that evening I got the emailed lab results that flagged my A1C.


February 2014
One month into my healthy eating and daily exercising journey.
Huge difference already…is that my chin starting to show???!!!  *wink*

I really am feeling so much better and looking forward to warmer months to come!  I miss being able to exercise out in the open air.  It's been a looooong winter!

And, since I began my dietary changes and Jazzercise membership on January 16th, I'm just making the middle of the month (15th/16th) as my monthly photo update.

So, thanks for stopping by!  I hope you will leave a comment and introduce yourself.  I look forward to making some new friends and developing a support network of other pre diabetic and/or Type 2 diabetic comrades!


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